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October 13, 2003


Maybe there was some basis to the stories after all.... Check out this BBC story about:

the well-preserved furry limb of a mystery creature was found some 3,500 metres up in the permafrost of the Altay mountains, in Russia's remote Siberia region.

Looks bigger than my foot :-) and it reminds me of this dinosaur exhibition that had in Sydney some time ago. It was a bunch of dinosaurs from China, some were fairly small and are believed to belong to the links between reptiles and birds. You know, the sort of half and half things like reptiles with fur and birds with scales and so on. The thing that struck me was the comment in the brochure about translating the names because the Chinese didn't call them dinosaurs - they were dragons. All the Chinese stories about long necked dragons suddenly made sense and the use of "dragon" bone and "dragon" eggs were literally fossilised bone/eggs of dinosaurs. Maybe the yeti/bigfoot is something similar that will suddenly click like that as well.....

I came across the story via amcgtld.

Posted by Ozguru at October 13, 2003 07:10 PM
