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October 21, 2003

Sun Java

Hey I use Sun gear a lot but what is it with the JVM on Solaris. It sucks. It sucks badly.

Found myself talking about the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and SMC (Sun Management Center)....

Question: What is wrong with SMC?

Me: Well it runs under JVM on Solaris.

Question: So, java is cool.

Me: Well runs may not be the right word. Walks might be better.

SMC walks on JVM on Solaris.
... Walks slowly.
... Walks very slowly like a dog.
... A really old dog.
... Who only has one leg.
... Which is encased in a block of cement.
... At the bottom of the harbour.

Hey Sun, you make more money selling Solaris than you do selling Windblows! How about tuning the JVM so it can run walk faster on Solaris?

Posted by Ozguru at October 21, 2003 07:10 AM
