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October 24, 2003

Is it still racism?

Staggered across this post (and of course I read the story on the paper) about My-Hard-Hair & Co claiming that Australia was too white to be part of Asia. If we claimed that Malaysia was "too Muslim" or "too dirty" or (can I say this) "too asian" then we would be lambasted as racists.

BTW, Check out the comments, Kathy K has a link to this item from SatireWire which could solve the whole problem (and make it possible for me to get to the Apple WWDC next year - just drive over that bridge). BTW The issue about AFL is that once it hits prime time in the US, they will stop watched the padded boys playing with balls and get involved in Real Footy (tm).

Posted by Ozguru at October 24, 2003 07:10 AM
