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October 26, 2003

Sunday Thoughts

Today's reading was the story about the blind man. You all know the one - this fellow is at the side of the main road from Jerico to Jerusalem (before the terrorists staked the place out) and he hears that some bloke is coming so he starts shouting out "Hey mate, over here". Everyone tells him to shutup but he keeps on calling - real persistant bugger. Everyone keeps shushing him but he keeps going until Jesus calls him over. So he drops his cloak and someone in the crowd marches over to Jesus. You can just imagine them thinking - "Boy is he gunna cop it now" but that ain't what happens. Jesus looks at the blind man and asks him: "Whaddya want me to do for you?" straight out, no mucking around. The bloke says he wants to see again and wacko it happens.
The thing that struck me about this story (well the story plus the homily from Fr. Shallvey) was that Jesus was ready to do whatever this guy asked for BUT he had to ask. It's like we all have things we really want but do we have the courage to ask. I mean think of the disappointment if Jesus goes "Sorry dude, no can do", hugh downer. I know what I want to ask for, do you?

Posted by Ozguru at October 26, 2003 09:10 AM
