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October 27, 2003

Random Thought

Inspired by a comment on All AgitProp:

(*snort* because you never know when those wacky Presbyterians might strap some explosives on and go visit a mosque)

Just imagine for a moment what it would be like if the western prejudice about Moslems was correct - you would get suicide bombers, terrorism, stupidity, racism. Now imagine if the Moslem prejudices about the west were correct - you would get presbyterians suicide bombing mosques, catholics sniping at ayatollas, orthodox leaders declaring crusades (religious groups and activities were selected at random). Hmmm. Wonder who has the more accurate prejudices?

Posted by Ozguru at October 27, 2003 11:10 AM


Related reading can be found here and here. I think both bloggers (like myself) have been inspired by the intelligence of Dr. Ma-Hard-Hair (maybe he should lose his doctorate for demonstrating such an amazing lack of intelligence). On the other hand maybe I could earn one by proposing that the world is actually controlled by little green men. If you don't belive me, that's because the little green men won't let you believe me!

Posted by: ozguru at October 27, 2003 11:10 AM

Thanks for the link, Ozg. :-) Other than that, does anyone know what sort of doctorate that Malaysian moron has?

Posted by: Paul Jané at October 27, 2003 11:10 AM

He's a doctor as in 'medical doctor'.

Posted by: Kathy K at October 27, 2003 11:10 AM

Hmmm. Does that mean "Doctor" as in "real doctor" (MD = Doctor of Medicine) or "Doctor" as in "honorary title given to some wally who has done two degrees and practices medicine" (MBBS = Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery). I also wonder where is Alma Mater is? Many Malaysians of his age would have completed medicine in Australia. My wife pointed out that in Chinese there is no confusion. The two "doctors" are different phrases altogether. One clearly indicates a practitioner of medicine and the other a specialist in some field. Of course the best doctors are both :-) One snotty bloke at a conference was getting annoyed about not being called Dr until a number of others present pointed out that they were all far better qualified than he was (including a number of PhDs).

Posted by: ozguru at October 27, 2003 11:10 AM

Ahhhh, good, so I was technically correct when I said that he was probably a graduate of the Mengele School of Medicine.

Posted by: Paul Jané at October 27, 2003 11:10 AM