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October 31, 2003

Mr Inferno

As you are probably aware from previous references, there was an idiot who recently failed to qualify for a Darwin Award. Paul first raised the matter and in the process asked what a 'toilet block' was (I assume they are called something different in Canada). Basically this idiot climbed on top of the toilet block (click for pictures) with a BMX bike, set fire to himself and then rode if off the edge. He missed the pile of mattresses and broke his wrist. Some police rocked up and threw a bin full of water over him and confiscated his bike.

Yeah, yeah. So what. Well Mr Inferno Infernal Idiot is inthe paper again. It turns out that he intends to reattempt the stunt. It also turns out that he does this type of stupidity on a regular basis and has a website with photos to prove it (including a similar flaming bmx stunt).

He fails to qualify for the Darwin Award because (a) he is not dead and (b) he has a teenage son who helped to set him on fire.

The bind moggles mind boggles. On a more positive note (from the end of the newspaper story):

Meanwhile Randwick council is investigating whether Mr Concannon violated the Local Government Act by lighting a fire in the open and performing on public land without a permit.

Posted by Ozguru at October 31, 2003 12:10 PM
