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November 03, 2003

Slow Weekend

In case you didn't notice, there was very little activity on the weekend. On Saturday, we travelled just over 360 km to attend a 50th anniversary for a good friend (and godmother to my son). The mass was held at Lochinvar and the party afterwards was at St. Josephs, East Maitland. It is hard to imagine spending 50 years committed to one job and still loving it after all this time. Unlike employees where I work, there is no gold watch for long service; there is a celebration but things carry on as normal afterwards....

The second problem (apart from being stiff and sore from all that driving) was the upgrade to my main server did not go as well as planned. I had tuned and fiddled the previous *client* version to behave like a server (DNS, mail, web, dav, imap, etc) but this time I actually installed the server release of Panther. This comes with neat gui tools for dumb users who are unfamiliar with Unix command lines BUT it confuses the heck out of me because I can't find anything on the millions of screens I have to look at. For example, how do I add VirtualHost commands to apache? I can do it on a vanilla install but this "user friendly" version has hidden both the settings and the control file. Want a harder one? How do you install a self-signed SSL certificate? I can do it for the web browser - no worries mate. But the Apple supplied instructions don't work - there is some weird keychain authentication problem. That means this blog is OK (hosted at Typepad) but a few others are off the air until I fix it.

Posted by Ozguru at November 3, 2003 12:11 PM
