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November 06, 2003


Last weekend (as mentioned earlier) I upgraded the main server at home to Panther (MacOS X 10.3) Server. I have been running the client (normal retail) version for some considerable time and was happy with it. The first problem I struck was having to use the GUI to make changes instead of the command line (I am a command-line junkie from pre-GUI days). Oh well. The next problem was that I could not get MovableType going at all. The imported backups were in random order and the rebuilds kept failing and I was tearing my hair out.

It turned out that the problem was the version of mysql which ships with the server edition of MacOS X. It has a problem with datetime fields. After lots of command-line jiggery-pokery I sort of guessed the problem and started looking for confirmation in the forums at MovableType and at Apple. Found one other guy with the same issues and the same probable cause and that justified the effort of exporting the data, upgrading mysql and reimporting everything.

Whew. Anyway the locally hosted blogs Aussie Courier and Annals Australasia should be up and running. The archive blog for this site (the old Bored on the Bus) blog is still stuffed but should be fixed later this week. It will be used to archive off the older posts from TypePad (with comments turned off to frustrate the spammers).

At least it wasn't a Mac problem - you guys would never let me forget it!

Posted by Ozguru at November 6, 2003 12:11 AM


"At least it wasn't a Mac problem - you guys would never let me forget it!" Too true. :) Just a little problem with Apple not considering that anything (like mysql) that isn't an Apple invention might be important... (mind you, MS has the same problem, even moreso). But at least one can run real UNIX on PC computers.

Posted by: Kathy K at November 6, 2003 12:11 AM

Good point. It is interesting that Apple worked so closely with the perl community prior to the release (even the early betas of Panther had the latest and greatest perl) but forgot the mysql community. What is also interesting is that they did not just use the official distributed version (now available in pkg format for proper double-click installation) and had a custom build that uses a different directory structure. It is possible that this is related to some special feature or performance but so far I have suffered no ill-effects from swapping the installed version (from Apple) for the standard version (downloaded off the web) and that has solved the timestamp problem. It is possible that the problem is localised to something in the way MT interacts with mysql. Test data (entered via my phpmyadmin) did not exhibit any problems although that could be due to an inadequate period of time to test. Unlike your typical support person I was trying to get the system back to normal ASAP and so testing takes a back seat :-( As for Real Unix (tm) would that be V6 you are referring to? I don't think that runs on Intel :-) The next closest would have to be one of the BSD family which happens to include ... wait for it .... darwin! Oh, I get it. You meant that hybrid based on a kernel from an undergraduate married to a filesytem/utility set borrowed from Hurd .... That aside, you are right. It was much faster setting up a client version and then installing the tools by hand that it was to find my way around the gui management tools BUT unlike the intended user of this software, I have had 20 years of command line exposure.

Posted by: ozguru at November 6, 2003 12:11 AM

I've been reading your blog but never commented until now ... I'm so glad you posted about OS X/Panther, as I'm about to switch to the OS-X operating system. Though I've heard great things about X, the MT problems you encountered are a concern. I'm far from being technically adept, screwed up my upgrade (from 2.63 to 2.64) etc., so ... I guess I'm wondering if it's all worth it or better to leave it all as is. sheesh.

Posted by: Cindy at November 6, 2003 12:11 AM

Hi Cindy! Give it a go. Panther is fine (client edition) just a few rough edges in the included packages on the server edition. Don't just take my word for it - check out this enthusiastic reader :-)

Posted by: ozguru at November 6, 2003 12:11 AM

I'll be sure to check it out and thanks!!

Posted by: Cindy at November 6, 2003 12:11 AM

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Posted by: Peskie at November 6, 2003 12:11 AM

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Posted by: GDay Mate - Reviews at November 6, 2003 12:11 AM