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November 07, 2003

Friday Five


1. What food do you like that most people hate?
When I was on tour in Scotland (in December) we were served Haggis and Brussels sprouts. My wife and I both enjoyed it but pretty much everyone else refused to eat the sprouts. Then someone asked if I knew how they made a Haggis. After I explained, a few were sick and the rest refused to eat the Haggis. Dunno why, tasted fine to me.

2. What food do you hate that most people love?
I am happy to try almost anything. The two things I cannot eat are banana and coriander.

3. What famous person, whom many people may find attractive, is most unappealing to you?
I could give you a long list. What is it with Michael Jackson? Madonna?

4. What famous person, whom many people may find unappealing, do you find attractive?
Hmmmm. That's a bit harder. If you change "attractive" to "admire" then I could add someone like Tim Fischer or Fred Nile. Both were/are relatively unpopular but both appear to be striving to do their best for their country (as opposed to personal gain). Unfortunately (being male and hetrosexual), neither strike me as being "attractive".

5. What popular trend baffles you?
What is it with the pants falling off business. You know where the waist is around your knees (for guys) or you make it low enough to show off your fat stomach and pubic hair (for girls). I know fashions are meant to look "different" but these make you look downright ugly. It's almost like some fashion guru's decided they would go out of their way to make everyone look like a dork.

[Explanation: The Haggis is a small animal found in Scotland. It has two short legs on one side and two longer legs on the other side as a result of running around the hills all the time. If you jump in front of one it will be startled and turn around, lose it's balance and roll to the bottom of the hill. The skins are dried and worn by men in the form of a pouch hung in front of the kilt - also known as a sporran. The older the haggis, the more spectacular the sporran. Some sporrans are now made for artificial substances like leather. You can find more details here, here and here.]

Posted by Ozguru at November 7, 2003 04:11 PM


We use to eat haggis as a dare when I was living in Scotland.

Posted by: Matthew at November 7, 2003 04:11 PM