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November 08, 2003

Site News

Well I almost have a review ready for publication. Will try and finish it off tomorrow and post it (on the review blog of course). It has been a few weeks and I feel bad about that but things have just been so hectic. I almost got it done last weekend and then didn't get it published and of course the references are out of date. Like last time, it is a brief review - 10 sites selected at random from either my reading list or from the referral list.

I have also been deleting comment spam. I had seen it (and dealt with it) previously on my MT blogs but never on TypePad. I will have to look into some form of automation. I also intent to start archive entries off the TypePad blog (after 6 months). The archived entries will appear here and additional comments will be disabled. This should help reduce the problem (I hope).

There is another new blog running on the iMac and it is another relative who has decided to get in the act. As soon as there is some content, I will pass out the URL.

Another note is that the archive blog (mentioned above) will be used for testing plugins. If you see something you like the look of, just ask and I'll dig out the relevant plugin details. I figure it will be a fairly good test bed because of the variety of articles and the fact that it does not need to be up all the time. Actually I have sort of cheated by putting a cache in front of it so that a failed rebuild will not show up immediately (the cache will supply the old pages) ...

That reminds me, if you feel that I have inadvertently removed your comment and you were not indulging in comment SPAM, then send me a polite email and I will restore your comment. On the other hand, if your were indulging in comment SPAM then you can take a long walk off a short pier put your head in a bucket of water five times and only pull it out once bugger off rot in hell no longer do so because I have banned your IP address.

Posted by Ozguru at November 8, 2003 02:11 PM
