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November 26, 2003

Wedding Trip 6

Thanks to some old friends (well they are not old but I have known them for about 25 years), Mr and Mrs W, we managed to get to the reception. My other better half and kids went with my mum which displaced the one brother who is still single. He an I went with these good friends of ours (thanks a million if you happened to be reading this!). No-one was quite sure how to get to the reception (remember the rule of driving in Canberra: if you can see your destination turn right or left). My brother and I managed to give them some really bad advice - we saw a couple of girls from the church who jumped into a taxi - why not follow them? Well here is why not - they weren't going to the reception. Instead the cab dropped them in town at a club and we then had to guess where to go next. Thanks to some superb co-ordination between husband (driving) and wife (navigating) we got there quite quickly. The kids had a whale of a time - there was food, attention, music, dancing - you name it. Of course some of the wedding party kept ducking out to the kitchen to check either (a) the rugby results (world cup grand final between England and Australia) or (b) the Bathurst 24 hour car race positions. The whole thing was well organised and I enjoyed the food (as you would expect). Lots of comments about the kilt and everyone one wanted to pose for a photo with me - including Aussie Courier (who is taller than I am - even though he is my "little" brother). One thing that was really interesting is that the "dance" music was old old stuff that I could remember but there were your 20 somethings dancing and singing along to Elvis and Abba. I asked a few people and they just shrugged and said something along the lines of "well you can't dance to the new stuff". Wow, maybe I am not such an old foggy after all. Some old friends of my mums (see not above about old being related to the period of friendship not the age of the individuals) helped with getting us back to the hotel.

Now you asked for it, so here it is ....

Posted by Ozguru at November 26, 2003 09:11 PM


*Applauds* Now that's a very fine kilt, there. :-)

Posted by: Paul Jané at November 26, 2003 09:11 PM