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April 07, 2003

Keeping it in the family...

When I mention someone in an article, I normally let them know (so they can abuse me) unless they are a politician. Politicians are exempt on the grounds that they wouldn't have time to read the 'net (if they know what it is) and more probably they can't read anyway.

Anyway, I mentioned my brother-in-law Patrick the other day. Pat lives in a strange "rain drenched and socialist ridden country" on the other side of the world. He replied with a neat French joke (I liked the one about the aristocrat remarking to a crony in 1788 "The French are revolting" and his friend replied "I agree!" Ce la vie!) and mentioned that he too has a couple of web pages up (check out Fire Safety and then International Risks). Even though they are work related, you might want to check them out.

Actually I knew he worked at the Fire Services College and he has explained that those big red things are "fire appliances" not "fire engines" (which certainly had an impression on my five year old) but I didn't know anything else about his job. Oh well, you live and learn (unless you are a politician of course).

Posted by Ozguru at April 7, 2003 01:04 PM
