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April 07, 2003

More useless software

Perversion Tracker: Apparently Useless Software has done it again. They have plumbed the depths of software depravity and discovered a real gem called selfQuit. This software, when launched, quits. Hard to get that wrong you might suggest but it still scored a glorious 2.4 (out of 11). Funny because I was beginning to think the scale ranged from 9 to 11 as nothing seemed to get less than 9 (or maybe less than 9 wasn't useless enough to review).

Punchline has to be the comment from "Quitting Time" who suggested:

Sweet! It's almost like the developer has combined all the best features of Word, IE and Outlook!

Quick, someone notify Microslosh, this guy (or gal) could have a job writing .NOT rubbish.

Posted by Ozguru at April 7, 2003 05:04 PM
