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April 09, 2003

Everything explained ...

A few days ago there was a bit of fuss about Microslash deciding that it would compete with Google. What the heck. I figured it was another one of those attempts to infiltrate your browsing by imposing Microslash directed links into web pages (as they have done in the past). Almost decided to post an article and then figured it didn't matter. The thing that bugged me was understanding "why" (sort of assumes some logical reasoning on the part of Microslash which might be overly ambitious on my part).

Anyway, today all is made clear. Try this story or help to slashdot slashdot by checking on this one. It appears that somehow, despite a complete lack of security, a key has leaked out into the public that can be used to activate some Microslash software (Windblows Disservice 2003). Thanks to Google, it takes me all of five minutes to find a few sites with the information and I could have grabbed the key, downloaded the software and pirated away (being careful to block the tcp ports used to phone home).

On second thoughts, why would I do that. I don't have any PC's to run it on. And if I did have PCs they would be running some flavour of BSD or maybe GNU/Linux. And even if they were running Windblows, why would I be so insane as to help Microslash test their undoubtedly unstable, insecure beta code.

At least we know why the attack on Google - without Google it would take a lot longer to find that secret leaked key. Maybe ten minutes instead of five :wink Maybe even less.

Posted by Ozguru at April 9, 2003 06:04 AM
