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April 10, 2003

Freak of nature?

On his weblog, Brent mentions that he is a "freak of nature" because he has all of his wisdom teeth and they are normal. At least one of the comments is from some dude with the same (lack of a) problem. He points out that he has 0x20 teeth.

I just had all of mine removed (two infected) and an incisor (and I was already missing one for hereditary reasons) which gives me a total of 26 (0x1A). What is really annoying is not that someone has such perfect teeth but that I now have braces (at my age!) to fit the remainder back into line. Just as I am grumbling (to myself) about the ulcers and pain, someone is thinking the exact opposite about their teeth.

Oh well, Brent also writes cool software ... I wonder if that is related to his teeth?

The upside of loosing my teeth is that my kids are sympathetic - especially now the eldest is starting to loose his milk teeth.

Posted by Ozguru at April 10, 2003 06:04 AM
