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April 13, 2003

Absolute Stupidity!

When your service (disservice) provider fails and you ring their support line which tells you to check the online information on their webpage.

Think about it.

I am ringing you because I can't get to your [DELETED] [DELETED] [DELETED] web pages! Cretins.

Then when I get through, you hang up before I speak to someone. Why not change the voice answering message to say "Look, we have completely stuffed the network and we might be able to fix it but we don't want you to tell us anything about it right now" instead of "You are in a queue and your call will [NOT] be answered as soon as possible".

Nah. Why would your ISP know anything about answering machines and phone systems, they are in the business of running a computer service. You can't really expect Telstra to know about phones as well as the internet.

Come to think about it, they don't know much about either.

I want a rebate or a refund just for the stress of dealing with cretins!

Posted by Ozguru at April 13, 2003 10:04 AM
