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April 14, 2003

All together now ...

Slashdot is running a shocking story about Microslash. Apparently that big public promise of using standard XML format for files was a lie. Sorry, that is not correct marketing speak. Lets try again.

Apparently some consumers have misunderstood the intention of using XML in all versions of Oriface. It is in fact only included in some of the more expensive versions, every second week on Tuesday provided it is also a full moon.

Get off the grass! Just because Sun use XML in their Office-clone and IBM will use XML in their Java-Office-clone doesn't mean Microslash has to provide more than lip service to XML. Currently, the only way Microslash can make all those irritating users upgrade to the latest and greatest version of oriface is to change the file formats with every release (to support the latest and greatest features). Naturally having received a file from Joe that you can't read, you will rush out and buy a new version of oriface which will require a new version of Windblows which will require a new PC and you will single handedly be helping to solve the world economic crisis.

Alternately of course you could just send the document back to Joe with some choice words about his use of the latest product.

The reason for the XML announcement (but lack of XML support) is to prevent Sun/IBM from marketing their product to PHBs (Pointy Haired Bosses ala Dilbert). When Sun/IBM say "we use XML because its a standard" the PHB will say "So does Microslash, I read it in their press release".

All together now...
Here's a nickel son, buy yourself a better computer

(and don't put Microslash Oriface for Macintosh on it! Use OpenOffice, ThinkFreeOffice, AnyThingElseButOffice)

P.S. Some of the comments in the slashdot article are good. I liked the comment: In other fast breaking news ... The sun rose this morning; sunset predicted for later today!

Posted by Ozguru at April 14, 2003 07:04 AM


[...] 1 - I propose a strategy to solve all of the existing IT problems… Here’s a nickel son, get yourself a real computer…** [* i.e. unemplo [...]

Posted by: G'day Mate! » Solutions Architect - Windows at April 14, 2003 07:04 AM