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April 15, 2003

Get your safari while its hot!

Safari Beta2 is available via Software Update. It has tabs, autofill, etc but it still can't tunnel https over http proxy servers.

Surfin' Safari, Apple Hot News, Mac Slash, MacNN

Posted by Ozguru at April 15, 2003 12:04 PM


Hi, I've been looking for info about the way Safari manages the window.status behavior and after hours of surfing I finally understood that window.status doesn't work when applied inside a "a href" tag in a onMouseOver event... In fact, the link attached to the image is more powerful and overrides the window.status. I think it's a little annoying because sometimes (in my case I want to show informations about pictures of my page in the status bar) we really DO NEED to make the message in the status bar visible instead of "open http://www.blahblah.com/index.php in a new window" or something like that... Is there a solution to my problem ? I tried to use the TITLE and ALT tags without any success (the TITLE tag works in IE though). Thanks in advance for your answer if there is one... Gildas.

Posted by: BIZEUL Gildas at April 15, 2003 12:04 PM

I've been trying to figure it out too, and disappointed that it doesn't let me control it like you can in lesser browsers.

Posted by: Peter Watling at April 15, 2003 12:04 PM

I hate to spoil a good story but I had no idea how to help this gent. I sent him an email suggesting he log a bug and never heard from him again. Hope it was fixed.

Posted by: Ozguru at April 15, 2003 12:04 PM