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April 16, 2003

United Nations Survey

[Joke sent via email from Theepan]

Last month, the UN conducted a worldwide poll. The question was: "Please give us your honest opinion on how to solve the shortage of food in the rest of the world."

The poll turned out to be a major disaster:
- In Africa, participants didn't know what "food" was.
- Eastern Europe didn't know what "honest" meant.
- Western Europe didn't know the word "shortage".
- The Chinese didn't know what "opinion" was.
- The Middle East inquired what "solution" meant.
- South America didn't know the meaning of "please".

... drumroll ...

And in the US nobody knew what "the rest of the world" was.

Posted by Ozguru at April 16, 2003 07:04 AM


UN Results Last month, the UN conducted a worldwide poll. The question was: Please give us your honest opinion on how to solve the shortage of food in the rest of the world. The poll turned out to be a major disaster: - In Africa, participants didn't know what "f...

Posted by: Rofl at April 16, 2003 07:04 AM