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April 17, 2003

It had to happen

PerversionTracker is doing such a sterling job of identifying the bad, lousy and disgusting software that it is attracting vast hordes of readers. Such a target market could not be left untouched and so a new breed of programmer is appearing - programmers who are striving for the software equivalence of not-an-Oscar - a perfect score of 11 from PerversionTracker.

The first candidate of custom-written-for-PerversionTracker-software has entered the competition but only managed to score 9.2 (or is that now 8).

Why not enter now and see if you can win the coveted award? Based on previous entries, something written in RealBasic with a metal interface that runs only on PC's and cannot display PerversionTracker webdata correctly should win hands down.

You have to read the review before the rest of this makes sense (or at least more sense that it would otherwise).

Please note that my suggestion of fiddling the comments did not work as a way of lowering the score to 8. But maybe a trackback to this article plus a link to Google might do the trick. Bit of a long shot because the trackback probably uses Java which also stopped the comment trick from working....

Someone else has a way to do it by going from PT to CARS to Apple then search for Safari, scroll and click on Google link then use Google to search for the scientific paper. I was trying to find a quicker shortcut. I guess if I get the trackback working I could link directly to a scientific paper on badgers.

Posted by Ozguru at April 17, 2003 02:04 PM


Instructions are in my blog. It's pretty easy once you unlock it. :)

Posted by: Michael Croft at April 17, 2003 02:04 PM