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April 18, 2003


Sort of a pity but according to the SMH, Pauline missed out. I think she should appeal or something. How are we going to be entertained without the drama of a Pauline vs David slugfest?

While we are talking politics, it is worth noting that Bob Carr is reputed to have said yesterday that he stands behind Simon Crean in the matter of the leadership. I assume that is the best position to have when you want to knife someone in the back.

Bob's comment was in response to some investigation after a newspaper poll indicated that four times as many people wanted Kim Beazley to lead the federal party (instead of Simon Crean). I want to see that survey. After all the results could have been influenced by the question. Did they ask people to name someone without any hints (in which case Beazley is a name that springs to mind but doesn't sound like Keating)? Did they offer a choice like "Beazley or the other bloke)? Were any interesting people on the list (Ned Kelly, Gareth Evans, Malcom Frazer, Attilla the Hun)? Also what about that 4x reference, does that mean out of 10,000 people surveyed, one voted for Simon and 4 for Kim?

P.S. I know Malcom Fraser was the odd one out in that list - did you?

Posted by Ozguru at April 18, 2003 06:04 AM


Stop Press The leader of the federal opposition has resigned. Whats-his-name managed to hang on during the last leadership challenge despite having absolutely no charisma and no supporters (except in the executive). Looks like it will be an open contest between h...

Posted by: GDay Mate at April 18, 2003 06:04 AM