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May 01, 2003

International Users?

While the recent announcements by Apple about the new iTunes and iMusicStore are wonderful examples of technology, there is a very large fly in the ointment. A fly that is pretty resentful already about iPhoto and is now getting thoroughly and completely ticked off.

Huh? What am I talking about?

A large number of Apple customers do not live in the continental United States. They live in strange foreign places like Australia, Europe, England, Japan, Africa, South America, China and Canada. The potential customer bases in these countries is far larger than the customer base in the US itself. So in order to attract this very large group of customers, Apple have decided to treat them different to local American customers.

First they make their computers more expensive (i.e. converting $US to local currencies is less than the current RRP). Next they introduce fantastic features like iPhoto books which are simply not available outside the US. When this was first proposed, Apple were "looking into options". Now more than 12 months later, they are apparently still looking. Could somebody please give them a phone book? Preferably the Yellow Pages. Marked at the relevant section for Photo Processing. Maybe highlight Kodak or something.

Now they have added insult to injury. The fantastic new feature of iTunes is the ability to download songs for $US0.99 instead of paying $AU40 at the music shop. Great, let me click on that button. Whoops. Not allowed BECAUSE MY CREDIT CARD DOES NOT HAVE A US BILLING ADDRESS!

How parochial can you get! How insular! What was that joke a few days ago about Americans not knowing "what the rest of the world meant"?

If this ticks you off as much as it ticks me off (even if you are American), why not sign the online petition?

Posted by Ozguru at May 1, 2003 12:05 AM
