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May 01, 2003


I know that everything today has to be done in acronyms. I can remember a very long 2 hour class at TAFE where I tried (repeatedly) to explain that UNIX was not an acronymn (it was a pun on Multix). Sometimes these short forms are too complex to remember and sometimes there is confusion about what they mean. Everybody uses something like PCMCIA but what exactly does that mean? People Can't Memorise Computer Industry Acronyms?

One acronym that I only recently understood was LOL (used on lot on the internet for 'Laughing Out Loud') which even has a little smilie to go with it :lol. Too much LOL and you end up ROFL (Rolling On Floor Laughing) :rofl.

Well today I recalled where I had see LOL before. In Column 8, there was the following comment about Little Old Ladies:
The great columnist Jim Macdougall used to write about LOLs - Little Old Ladies. State Parliament House will be invaded by LOLs on Friday when the National Council of Women and the Federation of Business and Professional Women hold their annual lunch to honour the work of 90-year-olds, including Jean Arnot, a tireless fighter for equal pay for women, who would have been 100 this year (she died in 1995). Miss Arnot was head cataloguer at the State Library, and acting Mitchell Librarian - but was paid just over half the male rate. The lunch has attracted more than 350 women, 22 of them over 90, and one, Ruby Chappell, 106. And none of them would regard themselves as either little or old.

Posted by Ozguru at May 1, 2003 05:05 AM


and the good old rotflmao (Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Arse Off)

Posted by: Peskie at May 1, 2003 05:05 AM

Friday Link-Luv™ Not as much as it should be, however... Punchbuggy does a PSA brought to you by: The Society of Friends Who are Trying to Suck Up Because They Missed Birthday Parties. Revog is busy tackling home improvement. Roxette Bunny™ is...

Posted by: Ramblings of SilverBlue at May 1, 2003 05:05 AM