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May 04, 2003

Train to Newcastle

Today was mainly occupied by a trip to Newcastle by train. Some other time I will explain why the trip had to be made but right now I want to ramble on about the trip itself. It has been a long time since I had to travel on a train for any particular distance. This train left the country platform at Central at 5:55am and is supposed to reach Cardiff at 8:30. To reduce the suspense, I can tell you in advance that we won't make it.

For more of this winge, read on ...

Instead of compensating me for having to sit on a dirty train for 2.5 hours (each way), State Rail are charging me almost $20. To help me perceive some value in the process they have arranged to appeal to my artistic sences by providing poorly spelt graffiti on the seats and walls. They also provide, at no extra charge, incomprensible messages about what is happening. This is done at a volume that is almost non-audible unless you choose to doze off, in which case, it will suddenly become loud enough to interrupt the snoring around you - but it will still be impossible to understand.
The most recent announcements were about stopping at "wiring" or for "wiring". Fortunately we were able to get the electrical problem fixed at the next station, which was Wyong because we didn't stop there for very long.
The reason I can be confident about being late is that there have been repeated mumbles about "pass-n's gunna Newcastle gotta change into a bus at facing fern". This is apparently because the track is working - this is apparently not a good thing.
We have just been informed that "nex stop is a sure cert" which sounds more like a race tip than a station. Better check to see if there is a horse called "morriset" running.
Of course I could look out the window and enjoy the view, but it is awkward seeing through the "I wuz 'ere" thoughtfully etched on the glass. Next thing some misguided moron is going to tell me that this scrawled rubbish is artistic expression. What a load of old horse puckey. It is vandalism and destruction of property. If I catch the delinquents who use my fence to "express themselves", I will express myself artistically with a lump of 4x2.
If you think I sound a bit grumpy then you can explain why there was no coffee at Central. Apparently all the shops have this cartel-like arrangement where they all open at the same time - 5 minutes after the train to Newcastle departs. They probably have special arrangements to cope with the train being late as well. That means I have been up since 5am with no coffee.
The last two stations have come and gone without the honour of being announced but we have just been informed that we are all to be terminated and transfered . . .
Once out of the train, there are more announcements which are a bit clearer. Apparently there are "buses stationed at the entrance for the embarkement of passengers who wish to continue". Instead of a destination, the buses are helpfully labeled "Railway" so that you know which one to catch. Fortunately there are three fellows with clipboards to misdirect people. The bus drivers are friendly and they probably know where they are going.
The bus seats are more comfortable and relatively cleaner - still not great but no graffiti. Inside there is a local radio station playing through the speakers which is surprisingly clear. Maybe the trains should use this speaker system. Even when the driver announced the next stop it was crystal clear.
Just in case you were wondering - the bus got to Cardiff about 8:45 only 15 minutes late. Wonder if it will be better on the way back - stay tuned.

Posted by Ozguru at May 4, 2003 08:05 PM
