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May 04, 2003

Students vs RIAA

An interesting story popped up in my NetNewsWire window from CNET about the RIAA vs students legal battle. Apparently four students have been convicted and fined by the RIAA. Whoopee. Steal stuff, get caught, get busted, pay for it. That's life.

As I read the story, I realised that there was more to it than just a simple theft of music. The main problem was not that the four students had "stolen" or "shared" music but that they had written a search tool that was capable of wandering around other computer systems looking for music. Effectively, using loopholes in Microslosh software, they had written a sort of mini-Google for MP3 files.

Given the relatively harsh fines imposed on the youngsters, I want to know how much Microslosh will be fined for making it possible. Really Microslosh provided the tools and material to make this breach possible. They must at least be accessories but given the current hue and cry about hacker tools, they are probably prime suspects.

Dream stoush: Microslosh vs RIAA.

Posted by Ozguru at May 4, 2003 06:05 AM


I must have missed it... I didn't see any reference to Microsnot... who knows??....

Posted by: Peskie at May 4, 2003 06:05 AM