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May 05, 2003

Still in a good mood

Still in a good mood from yesterday! When you feel ok then little things seem to bother you less. This morning we had ticket inspectors who boarded at the same bus stop that I use. I didn't see them and had just put my ticket away and had to get it out again.
Normally, ticket inspectors are a bit annoying - not because of what they do but because of the way they do it. Well, wonders will never cease, these inspectors were polite and actually knew the magic word. Which reminds me of a story in "Sydney's Child" about a kiddies magician who asked his audience for a magic word to help get a rabbit out of a hat. He was expecting abracadabra but instead got a small boy who said in an injured tone: "The only magic words are 'please' and 'thankyou' and I have to use them all the time." Apparently this was more entertaining than the magician.
Oh, just in case you were wondering, everyone had a valid ticket which must be at least as rare as getting polite ticket inspectors.

Posted by Ozguru at May 5, 2003 08:05 AM
