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May 05, 2003

More rain today

More rain today. We seem to have had a lot of it lately - at least in the city but there has been no mention of lifting the voluntary water restrictions and I am guessing that some country areas are still facing drought. The rain tends to disrupt the buses a bit with all the people having to close and open umbrellas as they get on and off the bus. This evening, I am on a 371 bus which, according to the sign, is going to "Randwick Jn via Randwick Jn".
I wonder if it will be raining on Thursday morning when I pick my sister up from the airport. It might be a good idea to take a couple of brollys because 99% of the car park is nowhere near shelter and Liz will probably be carrying as much as the baggage allowance will permit. Actually I was just thinking that if I had said that last phrase in a conversation, I would have used the words: "... and Liz will be overweight" which would have given a completely invalid meaning to the sentence. Just to clarify that - so my sister doesn't beat me up - it was her luggage that will be heavy, not my sister. Having to think more formally about what one says obviously has some impact so maybe those grammar schools have got something right after all!

Posted by Ozguru at May 5, 2003 06:05 PM
