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May 08, 2003


Can you think of anything more depressing than an airport at 5am. At least it is possible to get parking which is somewhere near the terminal rather than having to walk more than half the length of the runway. At the price charged for parking, they could actually supply full valet service and still have change over.
To make us feel extra welcome, the airport management have arranged to make the fire alarm sound. At least that means I will be more awake when I start driving.
The flight must have been ok as the kids coming out look fresh and energetic. I think the norm is to have them all bouncing and energetic on the flight but collapsing and sleepy when they arrive - so that you have to carry them as well as the luggage.
Lots of people wearing tee-shirts. Hope Liz is better organised, or at least has a jacket that is easy to get at because it is very cold this morning. At least it is not raining.
According to Qantas, the flight was on time, arriving at 5:15. Originally I thought that was a misprint because of the curfew imposed by the state government but there was one posted flight before 5am and two or three since (hard to tell because of the flight sharing codes). QF6, which should have Liz on board, has come here from Frankfurt via Singapore. According to the Qantas web site, the flight left Germany at 11:55 pm two days ago. When was that in local times?
Here she comes, still wearing that hat. It's a wonder that it doesn't have corks around it. I guess they say Aussies are like the Irish - more Australian when absent :wink.

Posted by Ozguru at May 8, 2003 08:05 AM
