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May 08, 2003

Party Time

When I went to the kitchen (at work) yesterday morning to refill my water bottle, I noticed a party in the conference room. Given the earlier corporate austerity notice (no overtime, no morning teas, no travel, no conferences) it seemed a bit out of place until someone explained that it was actually a "football tipping morning tea" (Rugby League) and they supplied their own food.
I guess that would be something like cow-tipping only harder. Harder because the average Thugby League player weighs more than a cow. On the other hand it may actually be easier because the cow has a greater IQ and could run away . . .

Posted by Ozguru at May 8, 2003 06:05 AM


Conversion is so hard these days - maybe you should organise a collection for the AFL tipping morning tea and add to that thought an extra collection for the celebration when the Swans manage a win.

Posted by: bpw at May 8, 2003 06:05 AM

AFL tipping is easier then cow tipping isn't it? - I mean - they're already jumping into the air...

Posted by: Peskie at May 8, 2003 06:05 AM

I guess it comes down to where abouts you want to tip/tag them....

Posted by: bpw at May 8, 2003 06:05 AM