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May 07, 2003

Wee Free Men

For the Pratchett fans in Sydney, the latest book is now in stores (better late than never)! The book was originally supposed to be available on the 1st of My but I couldn't find it anywhere until yesterday,
You can pick up "The Wee Free Men" at Galaxy (behind QVB) or Dymocks (George Street). Normally I would suggest Galaxy as a way of supporting a sepcialist retailer but at the moment Dymocks have it on special at $29.95 (instead of $39.95).
If you are going to Dymocks, don't ask at the main counter (they won't have heard of Pratchett). Instead take the escalator down to the children/music/games section which is also where the fantasy and SF books live. If you think of the downstairs area as a (sort of) circle, the relevant section is on the direct opposit side to where the elevator dropped you. Head around (left or right doesn't matter) and you will see a large bookcase on the inner side of the circle which has some prominent "Asterix" books in the lower right corner. "The Wee Free Men" on special were on the left of the same bookcase about waist high, There were about 10 there yesterday lunchtime.

Posted by Ozguru at May 7, 2003 05:05 PM
