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May 13, 2003

Grow your audience

Microslash has worked out what to do with the combination of failing income, annoyed customers and general consumer disinterest. Charge them.

The gist of the decision (which is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg according to accredited spokespersons) is related to the poor user response to MSN 8's online radio. Instead of deciding that this could be related to content (there are other internet radio stations out there) or cost (cheaper to listen on a transistor than connect over a volume charged ISP connection), Microslash has decided that they should charge for the experience. This will apparently improve the user experience.

Guaranteed to work. Charge them money for something that used to be free and they will stay away in droves (just like the .Mac debacle). This will reduce the contact between Microslash and the consumer which will in turn improve the user experience. Everybody (almost) wins.

Posted by Ozguru at May 13, 2003 06:05 PM
