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May 14, 2003

More strange searches

People type the strangest things into search engines and sometimes they end up on my site:
the golf war - still a popular topic - see pictures here or a more serious entry here.
microslosh experts in brisbane - this is climbing the ladder. Either there is a major shortage of experts in Brisbane or the same person is still looking ...
causes of team nz in yacht 2003 - huh? The only cause (of them loosing) was that most of the Swiss team (a nation renowned for sailors and navel expertise) was taken from the last (victorious) New Zealand team (or at least that's what Mike tells me and he ought to know because he is from New Zealand :wink).
icons comment - well I could comment on your icons but I won't if that offends you.
schools vs politics - at least that was a valid topic but it was some time ago.
jon wright - who me? Whaddya looking at? Whaddya doing putting my name in a search engine? You wanna make something of it? At least you spelt it right this time (last time you were looking for John Rite).
safari https proxy - really? Actually I think the phrase should be "safari != https proxy". Omniweb works OK and that other one that starts with a C but isn't Chimera anymore... Yeah that's it Camino.
bored uk - well I don't think anywhere else will be less boring if that's how you feel.
icons pictograms - yes, pictograms is another word for an icon. Does that help?
guru international - that search ought to work. We are guru-international.com, .net and .org and also I think .hopto.org as well.
bus timetable melbourne - sorry can't help there. Do they have buses in Melbourne or is it all trams?
bus publicity - well if they had more bus publicity in Melbourne, I would know if they had buses there and I could have answer the previous question.
kurds and love with sex - really? Personally I find that words like 'and' & 'with' don't work too well in search engines and I suspect that 'sex' will return more hits that you can poke a stick at.
download yankee doodle to powerpoint - yes please. Can I have a copy when you're done? BTW I prefer Keynote - it is a lot easier to use than PowerPoint
singalong war in iraq - Umm. I'm not sure how to break this gently but it was a real war not a singalong war.
waverly bus drivers - more bus questions but at least it is closer to home. Still can't help. Nearest depot to here is Randwick (about three blocks away).
bus brisbane sydney - nope.
bus sydney to brisbane - changing the order won't help.
icons bus - see below.
icons of bus - see below.
bus icons - OK. I get the hint. I will try and find or make a bus icon for all you bus icon searchers.

Posted by Ozguru at May 14, 2003 05:05 AM
