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May 19, 2003

Newcastle Revisited

You probably have already forgotten the USB printer saga in Newcastle a few weeks ago. I was setting up a 7300 and discovered that the printer was DOA. Replacements were impossible to find so I settled for a USB printer and a USB/PCI card. The solution didn't work, until I replaced the PCI card.
Email to the manufacturer and polite feedback on their website got absolutely nowhere. Sort of an email black hole. Web searches did not help. Even the low end Mac resource did not answer my questions.
At the same time as contacting the supplier, I also emailed the retailer where I purchased the card (Dick Smith). Anyway, a refund was given for the card but a week later (better late then never) I got an email from Dick Smith suggesting I get a refund because it didn't work for them either.

Nice to know it wasn't something you did....

Posted by Ozguru at May 19, 2003 12:05 AM
