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May 19, 2003

Idiot with a lithp

I grew up in the urban rural fringe and I know what a cow looks like. I know cows (and bulls) can be really stubborn. They are also big and heavy. The trick to controlling them is to use the nose ring. Pull gently on the ring and no matter what size or mood, the cow/bull will follow wherever it is led.

I think of this everytime I see some idiot with a ring in their nose. Ahh, the mind ticks, someone who is easily led! Someone who wants to be dominated. Someone who is as stupid as a cow (or bull).

Really the whole piercing thing is a bit beyond me. Why would you bother. I mean the dentist and the doctor and going to make enough holes in me without volunteering to get more of them. I have seen idiots with nose rings, earrings, cheek rings, tongue rings, belly rings, eyebrow rings (and I have heard of other strange places too). Where will it all end?

Well for this idiot (image below) none of that was enough. He had his tongue split as well. Gives him a lithp and makes him look like a freak but apparently that's OK with him (maybe he is a lithp programmer or emacth user!).

What I want to know: Could I tie a knot through the nose ring with his tongue?

Posted by Ozguru at May 19, 2003 11:05 PM
