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May 20, 2003

Freedom Protests

Did anyone else see this story on Friday? Apparently the Freedom government has made a formal protest to the USA about the misrepresentation of the American media. of particular concern is the way their national name is being erased. Traditional products are having their names changed to avoid the association with their country. One specific galling (gauling :wink) example is the renaming of Freedom Fries which are now called "heart attack inducing, deep fried, lumps of potato".

Naturally, the Freedom government apologised for their own media and citizens who have been mocking the Americans for decades for:
- being uncultured (probably true),
- refusing to eat real food (like snails and frog legs) and (most importantly)
- failing to acknowledge the natural inherited superiority of God's gift to mankind (the people of Freedom).

Citizens of freedom are currently divided as to possible settlement options. They all agree that recognition as the true cultural leaders and most significant super power would be a great start but the requirement that all Americans learn to speak Freedom instead of English has resulted in factional brawling.

One faction suggest that Americans would not be intelligent enough to learn Freedom, another pointed out the damage they have done to English and a third faction suggested that maybe they should let the Quebecois settle the matter given the long term exposure they have had to the Americans.

None of the heated discussion about the settlement was deemed to be offensive to the Americans as it was considered highly unlikely that any of them could read Freedom anyway.

Posted by Ozguru at May 20, 2003 07:05 AM
