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May 20, 2003

Links ...

Just noticed that I have a typo in the main page under links. The entry that reads "inside gretch's head" should read "inside gretchen's head". Oops. Unfortunately I am not in a position to fix that right now (but I'll try tomorrow).

Also came across an item in NNW which mentioned a screen saver on a Newton site. Full of curiosity about the possibility of Newton Screen Saver (why?) I traced the link but I think it was actually a screen saver for some other platform. The image only links to itself not the screen saver so I would have to actually go looking for the screen saver in Google and I can't be bothered tonight. Still it sort of looked interesting.

I haven't seen the Matrix Reloaded yet. There was some special offer from one of the suppliers at work to go see it and I accepted but never heard back from them. Oy. Are you still there?

Also liked the elephant story that can be found here. I guess the guy would have noticed the elephant if it was pink. Then again, maybe it was pink and the guy assumed it was a drunken hallucination.

Finally, I noticed I was getting links from this site. Not sure what brought us to their attention but thanks for the link guys. I will be sure to return the favour when I fix gretchen's head tomorrow. On second thoughts, maybe I shouldn't encourage readers to go look at their site, it look better than mine :wink.

Posted by Ozguru at May 20, 2003 10:05 PM
