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May 21, 2003

Why blog?

I guess I do it to share stuff with people. I have some friends I wanted to keep up with (some of whom are not in Australia) and it seemed more flexible than sending emails to multiple people. Then it sort of got more addictive - you see something and think, wow, I should post that. Then it is really cool when people you have never met before stop and send an email (or add a comment). Sort of really "reach out and touch someone".

Well there are other reasons too. This woman had enough of the bad service she received from a company and decided to blog the experience (and push it on google). I'll keep that in mind, next time I had problems with support ...

Speaking of frustrating experiences, I must remember to bore you all with some more real estate episodes....

Posted by Ozguru at May 21, 2003 12:05 AM
