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May 22, 2003


I hate SPAM. I am not talking about the sort of SPAM that comes in a can. I am talking about the sort of SPAM that comes in your email box. Junk email advertising things you would never be interested in (assuming that you have more than two braincells left that are connected).
I want to put it on record here and now:
- I do not want to take advantage of the introduction of the Euro (Hello! Anybody home? It has already happened! You have missed the boat)
- I do not want to take advantage of your fantastic interest rates (which do not apply to me in Australia - look at the address morons!)
- I do not want to consolidate my debt with some character I have never met in some strange country that will involve foreign currencies (see previous point)
- I do not want to buy non-prescription (or prescription) drugs from you. In fact by offering those drugs to me, you are in breech of Australian law.
- I do not need longer dangly bits. I was always told that it wasn't the length, it's what you do with it that matters (and you can start by keeping it in your trousers)
- No thanks to the viagra as well (natural or unnatural). Maybe if I took advantage of the previous offer then I would need some help. BTW given that viagra requires a script, it is illegal to offer to sell it to me without approval from the government.
- No thanks to the "free" porn as well. I guess you didn't notice that I have not taken up the two previous offers which might leave me in a position to require this service.
- Finally I do want to make money fast but your method is only going to make YOU money fast, It won't help me at all.

The only problem is ... this statement will not have any impact on the lowlive, scum-sucking, bottom feeders who send SPAM. More likely it will encourage them to continue to hammer my web server looking for open relays and formmail configurations that will allow them to continue to spew their thoughtless garbage on innocent victims everywhere.

Posted by Ozguru at May 22, 2003 06:05 AM


Its not just the Spam... Its people who send you a file, with the return address as support@microsoft.com, and the file is a virus...

Posted by: Peskie at May 22, 2003 06:05 AM

I thought it was a windblows update ... after all isn't windblows the worst virus of all time (I'm sure I have that article somewhere, I must post it).

Posted by: Ozguru at May 22, 2003 06:05 AM