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May 22, 2003

Unauthorised use ...

According to this story in the SMH today, a man was booked in New York for unauthorised use of a milk crate (in case you were wondering, he was sitting on it and apparently they are not meant to be sat on). Too right. We should stamp on this unorthodox behaviour. Everyone knows that milk crates are supposed to be for standing on. When the parade goes though town then you stand on your crate to get a better view. No worries.

(Mumble mumble mumble)

Sorry, I have just been told that I was wrong, apparently milk crates are for holding milk - so that's why they are called milk crates, I always wondered. Personally I would think that the milk would come out of the holes ....

(Mumble mumble mumble)

Oh. Actually they should be called milk carton crates. Still doesn't explain why I can't sit on one.

(Mumble mumble mumble)

I see now. It was a revenue raising exercise - sort of a sitting-on-milk-crate tax. What every will they think of next? Stupidity tax? Sin tax (no that would be brothels)....

Posted by Ozguru at May 22, 2003 07:05 PM


24 Aussie Commandments I got a lovely email over Christmas about the '24 Aussie Commandments'. A drafted an article to post in the new year (with comments on the commandments) and then discovered that one of my blog friends had also published it. So I waited for the thunder ...

Posted by: GDay Mate at May 22, 2003 07:05 PM