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May 28, 2003


A reader spotted this article in the SMH (thanks Ben) which reads (near the end) as follows:
Senator Hill said he had raised concerns with Mr Howard about the appointment of a religious figure as governor-general because of its potential to blur the separation of church and state.
I would love to be able to claim that Senator Hill was a reader because that sounds just like the comment I made the other day. Unfortunately, I think from the context that Senator Hill made his remark before the appointment of Rev Hollingsworth. Does that mean he has a crystal ball?
I also thought that the Prime Ministers comment (from the same article) was appropriate: Mr Howard later told Government MPs at their weekly party room meeting that Dr Hollingworth had resigned because he could no longer command public support and not because of the pedophile scandal. The "spleen-venting" over the row was "sickening", he said.

Posted by Ozguru at May 28, 2003 08:05 AM


The logo looks good for this section (I do have access to a black and white one with clearer definition if you'd like), but my main comment here is that the logo is in fact the NSW State logo not the Commonwealth one. So why the comment? Well the readership article has Commonwealth Ministers in it not State - they might get upset or cancel their subscription to this Blogg!, meanwhile at Macquarie Street they might increase their subscription numbers.

Posted by: bpw at May 28, 2003 08:05 AM

What I actually wanted to use was a psuedo logo like the one for Nevabeanto University which had a cool coat of arms with beer, cards, and other similar university activities. Try as I could there was no sign of it on the web (used to be popular on t-shirts). Maybe I should just draw one by hand. At the time I had just finished a series of comments on the State election which sort of led to selecting the state one.

Posted by: Ozguru at May 28, 2003 08:05 AM