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May 28, 2003


This item will be the 200th item posted to "Bored on the Bus" since the 10th of February. As per charter, it was penned on the bus using a Newton 2100 with a bad case of the jaggies. Due to regular realignments and the likely length of this missive, there may be some interruptions to the flow...

Really, two hundred items is not very signifigant. There are actually 296 items in the MT database (some from the other weblogs that also run on this site) and because I often post more than one item per day there are actually only 108 days of posts.

This was going to be a lengthy post but I am getting sick of realigning these jaggies every 10th word so I will leave pontificating about anniversaries to some later date. I hope you have enjoyed reading the last 200 posts and that you will look forward to the next 200!

Posted by Ozguru at May 28, 2003 07:05 AM


For the curious there are currently (December 2003) about 300 articles hosted from this site and another 700 at typepad. WIth that much writing, you'd think I could have written my thesis instead :-)

Posted by: Ozguru at May 28, 2003 07:05 AM