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June 02, 2003

Ecosystem Revisited

There is a debate at "Truth Laid Bear" about balance in blogs. I would just like to reassure readers that I am completely unbalanced. I am neither pro-left or pro-right. That does not leave me being a centrist either - I actually feel that in the world of politics, any political party is like a baby's nappy - guaranteed to end up full of sh*t unless change frequently.

As I have wandered around the web checking out blogs I have noticed that there are some which lean to one particular political direction or another. There are pro-left, pro-right, pro-women, anti-feminist, pro-gay, anti-gay, pro-jewish, pro-arab, whatever. The idea is that you don't have to read it if you don't like it and you certainly shouldn't link to it unless you either like reading the site or you are involving in some link trading (no I haven't done that yet).

BTW I am 1921 on the Blog Ecology with 3 links. Funny thing is that I know there are other links out there (check out some of the blog links over on the right) that point to BotB but apparently they are not in the ecology or I have stuffed up the entry for BotB or something....

There is also a contest between two blogs to get up to the next grade. I won't mention where they are until after I have read them. The story about them can be found here .

Posted by Ozguru at June 2, 2003 12:06 AM
