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June 02, 2003

New Blogs...

Thanks to a link on Jay Solo I found a complete history of the bible and a summary of the contribution it has made to world peace.

Jay Solo also had a link to another site which suggests that Australia makes a contribution in supporting the US. I just hope some American politicians are reading this next time we ask for some favours - like real free trade - which the US imposes on others but refuses to implement with it's allies. (Can anyone say 'Baa'?) Still a well reasoned article and the idea of Canada being opposed to the US is interesting.

Last reference is to a spam item on Jay's site about half-way down the page. Looks like another blogger hates spam. Just for the record, from Friday night until this (Monday) morning, I have collected a magnificanet 52 spam mails - about 20% of legitimate mail.

Posted by Ozguru at June 2, 2003 09:06 AM
