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June 02, 2003

Blog contest

I went to the trouble of reading both blogs in the contest (mentioned earlier) and despite (or maybe because) one of them offering topless photos, I found the other to be a better read.

In particular I enjoyed some articles enough to add a permalink on the right. I liked the "dungeon tour" segments which is a great way of finding new blogs. I know the Ecosystem is doing something similar but due to complete inundation, there are too many to look at....

Unfortunately, I can't find any way to link to the individual articles. NNW also can't "autofind" an RSS feed either (which would give me article links). Otherwise I could link to the most interesting ones :-) Still, go and give it a read, you're sure to enjoy it.

Posted by Ozguru at June 2, 2003 09:06 AM
