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June 04, 2003

Unmeasurable IQ

Just noticed a story on "Hi, I'm Black" as I finished my lunch break. Glenn is referring to another blog that ran a story on a 13 year old whose IQ is unmeasurable. The 13 year old want to earn four doctorates and run for president. Until that final phrase I would have assumed that the youngster was off the high end of the scale but with an amition for president, maybe it was the other end :wink.

I seem to remember my mother telling me that the only unforgivable sin was to become a politician - I would be disowned immediately. I think her theory was that there was no such thing as a good politician (where good is a measure or right and wrong, not a measure of sucess). Now that I am older I figure that there are worse occupations (like being a lawyer?) but not all that many of them.

Anyway, check out Glenn's site for more details.

Posted by Ozguru at June 4, 2003 01:06 PM


that old joke: On the tomb stone reads 'Here lies a Politician and an Honest Man' Why did they put two guys in the one grave?

Posted by: Peskie at June 4, 2003 01:06 PM

I agree with Mum entirely - the last man to enter ANY parliament or other House of Politics with completely honest intent was a fellow called Guido Fawkes. Anyone remember him?

Posted by: pat cox at June 4, 2003 01:06 PM