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June 04, 2003

No more IE?

A few days ago, I mention the AOL / Microslosh settlement. This was quickly followed by a Microslosh announcement about ending support for standalone version of IE. Additional feedback and information can be found at CNet , and Spymac .

The big question: What happens to IE for the Mac?

The big answer: Who cares?

Firstly, IE on the Mac is still at version 5.2 anyway which means that 5.5, 6.0, 6.0 with less bugs, 6.0 with less security holes, 6.0 that actually works and 6.1 are still in the pipeline. Those six versions, at the current release rate should take about 3 years by which time Microslosh will either own you outright or have been torn apart by the lawyers (theirs or the governments, could be either).
Secondly, this announcement means that Apple can freely distribute Safari as the default browser (given lack of support from Microslosh) which will mean those too terminally stupid to select a browser that understands web standards (.png anyone?) will be given a compliant browser for free.

Really, as Jack suggests on Apple Turns: "Personally, if IE disappeared overnight, we'd probably dance a little jig ..."

Posted by Ozguru at June 4, 2003 05:06 PM
