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June 06, 2003

Newton Notes

It's been a few days since I posted anything from the Newton I haven't neglected my little green friend but I have been reading on the bus instead of writing. First I was reading "Apple Confidential" (signed copy purchased on Ebay) and then stuff for work. I also have a few magazines to catch upon and a pile of email.
Last weekend I found my archive of old newton software (and passwords) from 1998. That means I don't have to repurchase all the software I used to use. Some bits are missing, some files were corrupt but I guess thats what happens when you store files on floppy disks in a box.
Thinking about floppy disks, I was asked by someone "Newly Digital" why they were called "floppy" When they were quite hard. I showed them the inside of one that had been pulled apart and tried to explain about the older five inch and eight inch. they stopped believing me when I told then about the TRS Model 4 which used 2 eight inch disks, one for the OS and program, the other for data! How, they asked, could you expect anyone to believe that you could fit an entire OS on a floppy - even a zip disk would be a struggle?

Posted by Ozguru at June 6, 2003 05:06 PM
