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June 07, 2003


After Jivha's recent success on Google, I decided to do a bit of hunting myself.

The first thing I found was that "Bored on the Bus" (including quotes) gets me 1st and 2nd spot. Number three on the list was What to do if you are bored on the bus but it didn't include writing blog entries on a Newton!
Number four on the list is a backtrack entry I posted to 'Surfin Safari' (link no longer valid but the cache is still there). Then we have a few discussions about bus trips and mobile phones and then some more links or backtracks.

So far, so good. Search for anything else is not so good. There are some great hits (and some good advice) like this one: " You're not going to win a drag race in a bus(unless you bolt in a Porsche engine, but then again the wind drag on a breadbox is pretty severe)". Someone else wrote a report on using GPS's on the bus to stop people being bored at bus stops. Dunno about Germany but here the problem is not knowing where the bus is, but when the bus is! Also in the top 10 was this story which certainly included boredom but it had BB guns rather than buses.
I still think that I may need to change the name as most people don't seem to search with quotes (which links the words into a single phrase).

Posted by Ozguru at June 7, 2003 09:06 AM


saw the bit about not winning drag races in a bus. i drag race my 1965 VW split screen van (complete with curtains and bed in) in the UK VW championship and i do win races!. (sometimes...) look at www.akciddento.com for more details. btw i blog too :)

Posted by: dan at June 7, 2003 09:06 AM