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June 08, 2003


Very helpful having a Genie. Without one, lots of jokes wouldn't work (guess that's why Sun called their lovel-level java stuff Jini).

Anyway, there was this Genie who was on holidays. Bored enough to walk around the city park. He spots this fountain with the statue of the "two lovers". This couple are forever together but forever apart. Lips poised inches away but not quite touching. Genie, being a bit depressed himself at the prospect of returning to work (like in IT, he is on call 24x7) is feeling sorry for the couple so he works his magic and brings them to life for one hour (any longer would cause a union dispute). He explains that they have one hour to do whatever they want before returning to be statues again. The two duck off behind the bushes and there is lots of suggestive rustling and giggles of glee. Ten minutes later they are back. "Wow" says the Genie, "that was fast, but you still have another fifty minutes". The two statues look at each other fondly. "Want to do it again", the male statue asks. "OK" says the female, "but this time you hold the pidgeon and I'll sh*t on it".....

I guess some days you are the pidgeon and some days you get to be the statue...

Posted by Ozguru at June 8, 2003 08:06 AM


Genie VS Statues Anyway, there was this Genie who was on holidays. Bored enough to walk around the city park. He spots this fountain with the statue of the "two lovers". This couple are forever together but forever apart. Lips poised inches away but not quite touching....

Posted by: Rofl at June 8, 2003 08:06 AM