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June 08, 2003

Gay Sydney?

Doing the usual Blog check in NNW last night and I saw an entry for USS Clueless (Entry: Stardate 20030607.0351). The gist of the story is along the lines that a young lady went to Australia to find a crocodile dundee style husband. She leaves under the impression that all men in Sydney are gay.
Now, first things first. I live in Sydney. I am a man. I am not gay. (I'm not available either because I am married). Thus the claim does not stand up BUT I can explain what went wrong even though I have never met the lady concerned. You see, Australians (especially those who don't live in Melbourne) are very casual. The papers are full of blokes who were chucked out of some restaurant or club because of the dress code. Unbelievable attitude to chuck a bloke out when he has his good pair of thongs, clean shorts and a fashionable blue singlet.
Have you spotted the dilema yet? Most aussies are casual but the exception appears to be gay men who dress up like the baddie in the "Matrix Reloaded". This bird from OS hops out of the plane and takes a gander at the view. She dismisses the scruffy looking he-men and picks one that looks presentable. Bad error that!
Reminds me of the old joke: what's the difference between a BBQ on the beach and an Australian wedding. Most people pick the clothes after all you can't wear beach clothes to a wedding? Actually the correct answer is: "only one man is guaranteed to get lucky at the wedding" :-)
Of course the followup question is about the difference between an Australian wedding and an Australian funeral? "One less drunk".

[Link to USS Clueless fix at 2:30PM]

Posted by Ozguru at June 8, 2003 12:06 PM
